Type-safe, stateful and resilient workflows in Rust using Temporal
Temporal Platform published a new blog announcing .NET SDK, which inspired me to write this post.
We can achieve similar features when the Rust SDK is ready. Quoting from the post, but changed it to ‘Rust’ instead of ‘.NET’ :)
Different language runtimes have different trade-offs for writing workflows. Go is very fast and resource-efficient due to runtime-supported coroutines, but that comes at the expense of type safety (even generics as implemented in Go are limited for this use). Java is also very fast and type-safe, but a bit less resource-efficient due to the lack of runtime-supported coroutines (but virtual threads are coming). It might sound weird to say, but our dynamic languages of JS/TypeScript and Python are probably the most type-safe SDKs when used properly; however, as can be expected, they are not the most resource efficient. Rust provides the best of all worlds: high performance like Go/Java, good resource utilization like Go, and high-quality type-safe APIs.
The complete post with Code examples is linked below
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